We’re not trying to be the new Drudge. We are building something better.


Mainstream media cannot be trusted. Big Tech has become an abomination against free speech. The old venues through which the vast majority of Americans get their news on a daily basis have become rife with progressive ideological bias and a penchant for spreading lies while covering up the truth. Propaganda is worse today than it has ever been in American history.

Then, there’s the Drudge Report. It was once a homepage for millions of conservative Americans, but since President Trump’s election it has turned into a bastion of leftist garbage. There are dozens of alternatives to Drudge Report out there. Some of them are fantastic! Others are just clones. They all have their place and purpose and for the most part they’re linking to patriotic, pro-America content, so that’s good.

But “good” isn’t good enough. There are a few problems we’ve seen with just about all of the curated conservative news sites out there. Rather than list these deficiencies, let’s talk about solutions. Here are some of the things that we’ve done already and a few things we intend to do in the future. It is our sincere hope that we can become the first and last digital stop for millions of patriots, which is why we vigorously welcome feedback.

  • Truly curated content. We are not just a link-list of clever headlines. We want to spread the news that Americans desperately need to read, watch, or hear.
  • More than the news. Articles are great but they’re not everyone’s preferred form of content intake. Moreover, there is no way to reveal the whole story through a single medium. Videos and podcasts are quickly becoming the ways that millions of Americans get their news. We focus on all three mediums.
  • Rapid and constant updates. One of the things that made Drudge Report great back in the day was that they were on top of the news all day and night. We, too, are split into shifts that allow us to bring the stories when they break. We regularly check literally hundreds of sites and channels and keep our ears to the ground for anything important.
  • Newsletters, push notifications, and an upcoming app. You can have the news delivered to you through a daily newsletter, notification push updates, and an app that’s currently in development.
  • Talk to us. We are always looking for feedback, and while we don’t always reply immediately, we definitely reply eventually. Contact us. Yes, we’re spread thin right now and the feedback has been coming in like crazy, but we’re listening.

America needs a new homepage. President Trump has exposed mainstream media, Big Tech, and many of the aggregators out there today. Conservative Playlist strives to be better because that’s what America needs right now.

Bath Robes

We Often Feel Like David Taking on Giants

Today’s Goliath is the Mainstream Media Industrial Complex that brainwashes the masses.

Our mission is very straightforward: To counter the false narratives and nefarious agendas destroying America today. It isn’t easy for obvious reasons; despite incredible growth over the last year we are still a very tiny fish in a huge media pond. But we’re fighting and we will continue to do so, Lord willing, for as long as we possibly can. The battle for America’s present and future is too important for us to back down to the giants that stand in our way.

We need help. I don’t want to say “desperately,” but the need is definitely great. If you have the means, please donate through our GivingFuel page, PayPal, or our Substack page. Your generosity is what keeps these sites running and allows us to get the truth to the masses. We’ve had great success in growing but we know we can do more with your assistance.

Thank you, and God Bless!

JD Rucker

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