(Alt-Market)—In my recent article on the suspicious nature of the Israeli/Palestinian conflict I noted that, just as with Ukraine, the establishment is seeking to lure Americans into supporting one side or the other despite that fact that neither side concerns public interests at home and neither is really worth fighting for. It is a classic destabilization and globalization strategy reminiscent of WWI – Whenever Americans begin to rally around their own culture, their own security and seek to solve their own problems, suddenly another foreign conflict arises which for some reason requires us to drop everything we are doing and intervene.
For many readers it might not seem like much, but after nearly a decade of woke cultism and far left efforts to deconstruct the US there has been a backlash which is now threatening to suffocate the social justice movement. BLM in on a steep decline, SJW infested universities are suffering from dwindling enrollment and lack of legitimacy, woke Hollywood is burning and their profits are collapsing, the trans agenda is finally being obstructed and multiple states are blocking efforts by queer activists to target and groom children, and, focus has been returning to the dangers of open-border policies with a majority of Americans now demanding something be done.
It’s subtle, but the pendulum is swinging back on the political left and they don’t like it. “America First” is slowly making a comeback. What is the establishment to do? Well, what they always do: Get the populace trapped in another pointless foreign entanglement. That way our focus on the home-front is diverted, our resources and tax dollars are transferred overseas and our soldiers are sent to die on alien ground instead of fighting to secure our own borders and people. As a society we are not allowed to put America first; when we try we are consistently sabotaged.
In the case of the current quagmire, Americans are being pressured daily to pick a team. Many conservatives will inevitably choose Israel over the Muslims, and in a way this is understandable. Islamic culture and Sharia ideology are completely incompatible with traditional western values and they are a destructive presence in predominantly Christian countries. People will support Israel because it is seen as the “lesser of two evils.”
Whether or not this is actually true is up for debate and there are plenty of historic incidents which have made Israel a liability more than an ally. Then again, we have all seen what mass Muslim immigration has done to Europe with skyrocketing theft, violent crime, rape gangs and terrorist attacks. Regardless of what side you might think is “more right” in the latest conflict, it’s important to understand that this does not change the fact that there are other interests at play that want to exploit the situation for their own gain.
Islamic culture, for example, sees the west as a ripe fruit to be picked and devoured. They see westerners as cattle and believe their religion is meant to one day overwhelm and conquer the west using a tactic they call “Quiet Conquest” or “Soft Jihad.” This is not a concept limited to a few fringe believers, it is a dominant fantasy among the majority of the Muslim population to implement Sharia Law around the world. This includes around 50% of Muslims living in western nations openly demanding Sharia Law in the US and Europe. They are taught to hate non-believers, this is reality.
Hell, the Israelis might think the same way about Americans and Europeans; how many times has the ADL tried to manipulate public discussion and interfere with freedom of speech here in the US? But they aren’t seeking to migrate by the tens of millions in a soft jihad. There is a matter of triage to take into consideration.
It is this very mindset of infiltration and subjugation among Muslims that I believe appeals so much to the political left. As we have witnessed over the past week, there have been numerous mass demonstrations in favor of Palestinians in US cities (including a brief occupation of the Capitol Building) and the majority of the people involved in these events are NOT Muslims. Rather, they are the same leftist lunatics that backed the BLM riots. They are the same people who rage and froth over any attempts to close the southern border. They are the same people that demand gender fluid indoctrination in public schools. These people make up the bulk of the pro-Palestinian protests in America.
But why? The fact is, Muslim groups DESPISE progressive ideology. If a leftist was to publicly promote any one of their beliefs in an Islamic controlled nation they would be imprisoned or put to death. Try to teach trans sexuality to kids in a Muslim school and then count the days before you are thrown off a roof or beaten in the streets. There is simply no intersect between modern progressives and Islam; so why are they working together?
First, we have to establish that there are two separate motivations here; the goals of the political left and the goals of globalists. The paths of each group often meet and leftists are becoming more and more integrated into the globalist ideal, but they are still distinct in a number of ways. At bottom, leftists are useful idiots with aspirations of power who feed on the scraps thrown to them from the globalist table. Ironically, many leftists still think they are fighting against “the man” while they pander to globalists who ARE “the man.”
The Twisted Alliance
Just as leftists happily break bread with the very corporate money elites they claim to be fighting against, they also have a habit of embracing ethnic and religious groups that are hostile to the progressive culture of hedonism. I would chalk up this bizarre alliance to what you might call “mutual exploitation.”
The Muslims see the political left as a key to opening doors to the west, a sort of gullible gatekeeper that will wave in any visitor without vetting them first. Leftists are the crack in the armor, the hole in the fence that Islamic groups take advantage of. But what about leftists? What do they have to gain from associating with a group that ultimately wants them dead? Leftists love Islam exactly because it is the antithesis to everything the western world stands for.
To understand these people one must understand the foundations of Cultural Marxism. This system seeks to sabotage existing cultures and civilizations as a means to create chaos and consolidation. The chaos is used as cover to introduce socialist/communist controls as a “solution” to societies ills. In the case of original Marxism the strategy was commonly to provoke the working class and poor into rebellion against the wealthier classes, then he provocateurs take over while the groups fight each other. Cultural Marxists use a similar method of instigating civil unrest among the “marginalized,” but they focus less on economics and more on social and ethnic divisions.
In other words, race, religion, sexuality, etc are their bread and butter. Leftists (and of course globalists) view minority groups as cannon fodder to be thrown at any given society until it breaks down. Most on the left are mentally and physically weak and even though they are zealots they still realize that if they engaged in an outright civil war against conservatives and patriots they would be wiped off the face of the Earth. They are not capable of competent warfare or revolution on their own. So, they absorb the causes of other groups, then use those groups as thugs and enforcers.
Decolonization And Fanatical Attack Dogs
When it comes to Muslim extremists the left is salivating because they see a new and valuable pool of fanatical attack dogs. They need groups of people that are willing to fight and kill without restraint and without fear of death. Islamists fit this dynamic well, given their concept of reward for Jihad in the afterlife.
As conservatives and patriots we generally do not think in mercenary terms – We believe in fighting our own battles for our own country and fighting them with certain principles attached. The left does not think this way. They care about winning. They care about power, and they do not care what they have to do to achieve their aims.
But how do leftists maintain an image of moral superiority while engaging in morally reprehensible behaviors and allying with people that do not share their ideals?
The rationale is, of course, “decolonization.” The magic of decolonization is that it gives leftists the license to justify any action no matter how violent or abhorrent (including the indiscriminate destruction of property or the murder of civilians and innocent bystanders). It is the philosophy of inherited outrage. They claim that because events happened hundreds of years ago that are deemed an injustice by modern society, this allows activists to seek retribution against today’s civilization retroactively.
But how far back in history do we claim grievances and demand reparations? Where does it end? The root purpose for leftists is to destroy western civilization, that is the end game. Yes, they are being used by globalists as a bludgeon, but they are very much an enemy of liberty in their own right that needs to be dealt with, just as globalists need to be dealt with. The false left/right paradigm is dead; we all know who supports liberty and who doesn’t now.
For the globalists, Israel/Palestine represents a flash point for instigating a wider world war. Mass Muslim migrations also create opportunities for Cloward-Piven-style disruptions to target nations.
For the political left, Israel is just another loose symbol of “colonialism” that they think they can use as an example of why their movement to destroy the west is necessary. Even though both Jews and Muslims have been occupying and fighting over the region for thousands of years, the left wants to paint the formation of Israel as colonialism akin to the European expansion of the 1500s to the 1800s.
The decolonization philosophy does not apply to Israel, it is a mutual battle for territory and ideology that has been raging since biblical times. This does not necessarily justify the behavior or crimes of either side, I am merely pointing out that modern leftist concepts are utterly disconnected from what is happening and their attempts to co-opt the conflict for their own political gain are despicable.
In the mind of a leftist, Muslims are useful. That is the extent of the matter. They might regret their alliance tomorrow, but today, leftists think they now have access to a new army of minority muscle that will wreak havoc on the west.
As for the globalists, they hope that the new burst of energy in the woke movement and the implications of a wider war in the Middle East will keep American patriots distracted for many months to come, instead of organizing to secure US borders, the US economy, US heritage and US freedoms.
Independent Journalism Is Dying
Ever since President Trump’s miraculous victory, we’ve heard an incessant drumbeat about how legacy media is dying. This is true. The people have awakened to the reality that they’re being lied to by the self-proclaimed “Arbiters of Truth” for the sake of political expediency, corporate self-protection, and globalist ambitions.
But even as independent journalism rises to fill the void left by legacy media, there is still a huge challenge. Those at the top of independent media like Joe Rogan, Dan Bongino, and Tucker Carlson are thriving and rightly so. They have earned their audience and the financial rewards that come from it. They’ve taken risks and worked hard to get to where they are.
For “the rest of us,” legacy media and their proxies are making it exceptionally difficult to survive, let alone thrive. They still have a stranglehold over the “fact checkers” who have a dramatic impact on readership and viewership. YouTube, Facebook, and Google still stifle us. The freer speech platforms like Rumble and 𝕏 can only reward so many of their popular content creators. For independent journalists on the outside looking in, our only recourse is to rely on affiliates and sponsors.
But even as it seems nearly impossible to make a living, there are blessings that should not be disregarded. By highlighting strong sponsors who share our America First worldview, we have been able to make lifelong connections and even a bit of revenue to help us along. This is why we enjoy symbiotic relationships with companies like MyPillow, Jase Medical, and Promised Grounds. We help them with our recommendations and they reward us with money when our audience buys from them.
The same can be said about our preparedness sponsor, Prepper All-Naturals. Their long-term storage beef has a 25-year shelf life and is made with one ingredient: All-American Beef.
Even our faith-driven precious metals sponsor helps us tremendously while also helping Americans protect their life’s savings. We are blessed to work with them.
Independent media is the future. In many ways, that future is already here. While the phrase, “the more the merrier,” does not apply to this business because there are still some bad actors in the independent media field, there are many great ones that do not get nearly enough attention. We hope to change that one content creator at a time.
Thank you and God Bless,
JD Rucker